
About Us

Mutual Funds and Segregated Funds provided by the Fund Companies are offered through Worldsource Financial Management Inc. Other Products and Services are offered through TheTransition.Coach.

Contact Us

100 Main St. S. (Second Level),
Kenora, Ontario, P9N 1S9
(Overlooking Kenora’s Harbourfront)


Weekdays: 9AM - 5PM
Weekends: Closed

How We Help

We focus on controlling the controllables, and managing the uncontrollables.

Hierarchy of Needs

Our clients benefit by having an action plan that provides the confidence that not only will you have the best chance of your financial transition to be navigated successfully, but you will be able to close the gap between where you are now, and where you want to be in the future, for the reasons that are important to you, while enjoying the process. This allows clients to focus on and enjoy all the things that are more important than money along the way.

However, we realize that our service is not right for everyone.

We are not a “full service” firm catering to all clients. We are specialized experts in helping people navigate challenging financial transitions successfully.

We focus on controlling the controllables, and managing the uncontrollables.

We can control risk, costs, time frames, and encourage disciplined behaviour (especially during times of volatility) all as a part of your plan, in context with handling your financial transition successfully.

We can not control market returns, but we do have a strong track record of solid risk-adjusted performance. (See “Skin in the Game”, and “Right Fit Process” for details.)

We have found that over the years, this strategy works best with people who are:

  • Future oriented and excited about a bigger future, regardless of age, and able to articulate their future goals.The desire to live a more meaningful life.
  • Understand that planning is an ongoing process, not a one-time event.
  • Flexible and willing to adjust strategy if it increases the likelihood of turning their vision of the future into their future reality.
  • Willing to entrust us in leading the implementation of their strategy. Sees the benefit of full disclosure.
  • Willing to work with us to control what’s controllable, to prepare for and anticipate the unexpected, and work to maintain disciplines when the unexpected occurs.
  • Focus on things within our control, and to focus on life aspects which are more important than money- such as relationships and health.
  • Recognize that patient, consistent, positive decisions compound over time, to provide huge impacts.
  • Financial Delegators, who enjoy life, knowing their financial plan is being handled by an expert who specializes in helping them.

People who appreciate having an expert assist their friends and family, as a service to them; especially when their friends are undergoing a critical financial transition.